Thursday, November 5, 2009

Caden's 3rd Birthday!!

I can't believe that Caden is 3!!! He's grown up so fast.
We had a birthday party for him and he loved it! Can you tell
by the smile on his face??

I had a hard time thinking of games for 3 year old to play.
My mom gave me the idea of tying ballons to their legs
and having them try to pop the other persons balloon.
As you can tell the only person that got the game was
Kaycee!! She popped everyones. The kids just kind of
stood there!! It was cute. Now I know that that game is
for older kids!
Sloan and I got Caden a bike. Of course it was none
other than SPIDERMAN!! He loved it but was not
quite sure how to use it! He practices every day and is getting
much better at moving forward instead of breaking!
He looks like a kid in this picture and not a little
toddler! Tear!
His cute smile!


laura said...

oh my goodness i can't believe it's been three years! i remember bringing you dinner after you had him!

great pictures, he's a cutie!

Anderson Avenue said...

They grow up so fast! He is such a handsome boy!!

Shiloh Thacher said...

Happy Birthday Caden!